Thanks for checking out the UFOpedia, I've tried to make each UFOpedia as faithful to the original game content as possible but also considered usability. I have had the site up for many years and have tried to keep the coding and design current, I'll have some way to send feedback implemented soon. Thanks to for most of the Apocalypse images and some UFO images I was missing.
Using your keys to navigate
Most pages allow you to use your arrow keys for navigation, 'left' and 'right' allow you to move to the previous and next entry. Using the 'up' key will take you up one level to the category views. Keys are disabled on the index and category pages.
Known Issues
Listing of known issues with the site, some have been on the to-do list for a decade!
- 'Alien Reproduction' & 'Alien Supply' do not show in the UFO Defense category pages, they still show in the index, search and when browsing prev/next.
- 'Null' items in the Apocapedia, if you have any filler info on these or any better screenshots please let me know. *Have found the descriptions thanks to StrategyCore.
- Some scripts / effects do not work when Chrome and Edge are in 'Battery Saver' mode. This includes resizing animations and selecting suggestions from the search drop down.
To-Do List
Update JQuery & Autocomplete
Add tooltip to 'View All' pages
Find a background image for Apocapedia
Complete updates on Apocapedia
Add Description text for USOpedia
Play more Animal Crossing
Add Description text for Apocapedia
Fix some style inconsistencies
Add a light theme toggle?
Fix navigation alignment
Fix search box sizing
Complete page speed optimizations.
Change log
28/10/2024 ⸗ Pagespeed optimizations.
26/10/2024 ⸗ General tweaks.
26/10/2024 ⸗ Added description text for USOpedia.
21/10/2024 ⸗ Fixed a performance issue on 'Search'/'View All' pages (too many background blurs).
21/10/2024 ⸗ Tweaks all over for responsive layout.
20/10/2024 ⸗ Fixes and tweaks to the homepage size and layout.
19/10/2024 ⸗ A few tweaks here and there.
18/10/2024 ⸗ Added popular searches to the index page.
18/10/2024 ⸗ Ai generated a better background for index,search, and readme.
18/10/2024 ⸗ Ai generated a background for Apocapedia.
09/10/2024 ⸗ Completed some updates on the Apocapedia style.
31/05/2024 ⸗ Added some P R I D E related colours.
31/05/2024 ⸗ Used ::before and ::after in css to really clean up some code.
31/05/2024 ⸗ Fixed an error on the main page where TFTD was labelled "error From the Deep".
30/05/2024 ⸗ Improved search autocomplete stlye.
30/05/2024 ⸗ Did a lot of scrollbar tinkering.
21/05/2024 ⸗ A few more tiny bugs crushed.
16/05/2024 ⸗ More bugs exterminated.
16/05/2024 ⸗ Added a scale display at the bottom when using the zoom slider on 'View All' pages.
15/05/2024 ⸗ Fixed search box sizing by lowering the line height.
14/05/2024 ⸗ Tweaked the zoom slider so it looks a lot better and animates.
13/05/2024 ⸗ Tweaked search form and autocomplete so that they work and look a little better.
11/05/2024 ⸗ Too many background-position: fixed; were causing a performance issue on the changelog.
11/05/2024 ⸗ Squashed a couple more README bugs.
11/05/2024 ⸗ Recoded CSS with BEM style naming convention.
10/05/2024 ⸗ Added dragging to the changelog.
10/05/2024 ⸗ Switched Changelog to a scrolling DIV because why the hell was I using an iframe in 2024!?
10/05/2024 ⸗ Testing an iframe link, working well with <base target="_parent">.
10/05/2024 ⸗ Scrollbar styled for the changelog.
10/05/2024 ⸗ Added some better icons to the README page and fixed colorisation.
10/05/2024 ⸗ Changelog now in an iframe.
10/05/2024 ⸗ Merged README and site updates into one again.
09/05/2024 ⸗ Added Flex Grid for the to-do list (also added to-do list).
09/05/2024 ⸗ Fixed font size issues on README page, do not use display:inline-block; in responsive pages!
09/05/2024 ⸗ Added a secret theme toggle using the old csignal theme.
09/05/2024 ⸗ This is a test of typing a lot of stuff to make the page bigger, not really sure what it will do.
09/05/2024 ⸗ Fixed some more bugs!
09/05/2024 ⸗ Finalised README style.
09/05/2024 ⸗ Added some links to the README page.
08/05/2024 ⸗ Moved to small updates rather than gouping them in a 'version'.
Version History
I have moved to a Changelog rather than 'Versions' as this made no sense. I plan to add to the version history in the future in a better way, such as collating the above updates in batches or months or quarters when the lsit gets too long.
2.30 • 06/05/2024 • Latest
- A lot of work on 'View All' & 'Search Results' pages:
- Added a zoom slider so you can see more or less images per page.
- Improved css animations, it now looks really nice.
- Added 'id' tags for future features.
- Fixed issues with grid alignment.
- Changes to the 'nav' and 'links' elements so that they follow scroll.
- Squashed a bunch of bugs and code issues.
- Some tweaks to image scaling/brightness etc.
- Further tweaks to code includes.
- Much better styling for the README page.
2.20 • 02/05/2024
- Improved useability and page loading via Google Pagespeed/GTmetrix.
- Added CSS animations to the main page and 'View All' & 'Search Results' pages.
- Added 'info' link to UFOpedia pages at the bottom right.
- Code refactored and optimized.
2.10 • 24/04/2024
- Improved responsive design on 'search' and 'view all' pages, they now fit neatly on any screen!
- Improved search image quality (without compromising on file size)!
- Changed name to 'X-COM UFOpedia'.
- Fixed 'Fleet Supply Cruiser' missing from search.
- Numerous other fixes and tweaks.
2.00 • 22/04/2024 • Major Update
- Moved to new domain,
- Moved to HTML 5.
- New design for all pages.
- Implemented responsive design (images and elements now scale and reconfigure to different screen sizes).
- Many 'under the hood' SEO and functional improvements.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Leviathan page spelling error.
- Workaround for duplicate Extropians page.
- Fixed some incorrect links.
1.90 • 09/04/2024
- Fixed issues with MOD_REWRITE rules not correctly parsing spaces.
- Fixed some HEADER mismatch errors.
- Fixed some HTML validation errors.
1.84 • 05/02/11
- Fixed Hyrdo-Jet page spelling error.
- Fixed HTML Validation issue.
1.83 • 21/09/10
- Added description text META for UFO Defense.
- Added a new Advanced Search, only UFO Defense at the moment.
1.82 • 19/09/10
- More style updates.
- Fixed some script positioning issues.
- A few structural changes.
1.81 • 14/09/10
- Fixed Internet Explorer search bug.
- Re-coded index page.
- Fully validated index page HTML 4 Strict.
- Removed pop-out navigation to unconfuse links in and because of browser compatibitity issues.
1.80 • 03/09/10
- Added background style.
- Changed search form style.
1.75 • 01/08/10
- Fixed Gauss Cannon page spelling error.
1.74 • 27/04/10
- Fixed search form cookie problem once and for all... I hope.
- Added pop-up link so you can view the UFOpedia in a smaller browser window.
- Compiled all UFOpedia sites into EXE files so you can keep them forever, links are on bottom right of each page.
- Prepared a simplified version of the site for use as a pop-up, mobile site and for translation to EXE.
- Optimized page load times using Firebug Page Speed.
- Added autocomplete in index search box.
- Added better tooltip to index and search pages for better readability.
- Added description text in image alt tag in the UFO Defense section, now ready for advanced search.
- Added img_src meta info for better search engine/social networking integration.
- Changed to a dedicated domain.
- Added ability to search all UFOpedia at once.
- Added the main page (
- Added favicons for all UFOpedias.
- Added key navigation info on this page.
- Fixed search cookie conflict.
- Changed page layout.
- Tweaked PHP includes for easier future editing.
- Made all code Valid HTML 4.01 Transitional
- Made all code W3C certified CSS.
- Tweaked menu images (inconsistent background image).
- Optimized PNG files (all image files now 10-20% smaller & faster).
- Changed URL structure from /ufo.php?u=000 to /Skyranger.html
- Added tooltips to category pages.
- Added tooltips on main pages (oops!).
- Added search function.
- Added Apocalypse pages.
- Added page titles.
- Added tooltips.
- Added thumbnail 'view all' page.
- Enabled sitemap xml/html.
- Added category pages in UFO and TFTD.
- Added image caching (browsing items is much smoother).
- Added TFTD pages.
- Added keyboard support (browse with your arrow keys).
- New page style.
- All UFO pages uploaded.